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Classes We Offer

3 Year Olds

What to expect during the class time...

free play (socialization), circle time (scripture verse, nursery rhyme, calendar, pledge to the flags, weather and helpers), lesson time (arts & crafts, language, science, alphabet, shapes, numbers, colors), snack and story, fun learning activities and games, physical development and motor skill activities, as well as, music class. 

4 & 5 Year Olds

What to expect during the class time...

free play (socialization) circle time (calendar, show and tell, sharing, helpers, pledge to the flags) monthly bible verse and nursery rhymes, learning activities – language arts, math, science, arts and crafts, creative play, age appropriate curriculum (kindergarten readiness skills are emphasized), and music class (movement and rhythm).


Special events that take place during the year are two field trips, three parties, a fall program, a formal christmas program, other special school day programs & a picnic at the end of the year.

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